Friday, July 15, 2011

Off to the Wicked Extreme Invitation only Gold Showcase!!!

Good luck to the Battery Lightning Gold this weekend as they head off to the Wicked Extreme Gold Showcase in Hartford, CT!!!  Looks to be some great competition and exposure this weekend.

Teams Attending:

Newtown Rock Gold
Top Gun Gold
Top Gun Elite
Bay State Cardinals
TC Tremors Gold
EN Avalanche
Delco Diamonds Gold
Wicked Green
Conklin Raiders Gold
Wicked Black
C.J. Lighting Gold
New England Phoenix Elite
     Serverna Park Hornets Gold
New Jersey Gators Gold
Battery Lightning Gold
Long Island Ducks
Long Island Chargers Gold
Long Island Express
HV Hurricanes Gold
NJ Avalanche
LI Sudden Impact Gold
Empire State Huskies Elite
NE Phoenix Gold
               CJ Tornadoes
Mystics Gold

Top Gun Elite
Bay State Cardinals
Delco Diamonds Gold
Wicked Green
 C.J. Lighting Gold
New England Phoenix Elite
 Battery Lightning Gold
Long Island Ducks
 HV Hurricanes Gold
NJ Avalanche
NE Phoenix Gold
               CJ Tornadoes

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